Saturday, October 12, 2013

Farscape: The Complete Season Four [Blu-ray]

Don't be a frellnick, buy this set!
Now that word has arrived that we have the concluding mini-series (and thanks to all of my fellow 'scape fans for writing to Sci-Fi channel without which this would never have happened), I decided to take the plunge and buy season 4 to refresh my memory of what happened to Crichton and his merry band of pransters. Man what a great season. For those that need to know, this boxed is only different in one way from the individual two disc sets with season 4 episodes. It's cheaper. No other extra features besides a nice little box to put them inside. A pity I was hoping for something extra but, hey, with gas prices I'm happy I could save a few bucks. There are a number of strong episodes this season (and only one or two that I thought was absolutely lame)

In "Crichton Kicks" we are introduced to a new recurring character Sikozu as she crashes into the ship Crichton has taken refuge on in order to escape pirates interested in harvesting Leviathans. He's just about gotten his...

The best season of one of the greatest series of all time.
We all know how badly it sucks that Farscape was abruptly cancelled. BUT, in season 4 you get the brilliance of an amazing, complex show, truly hitting it's stride. They nailed this, it's one of my favorite single seasons of all time.

The acting and directing is phenomenal. You can sense that cast and crew have learned how to trust each other, and that they are not afraid to take risks. Both acting and directing is confident, intense, and also not afraid to be playful. They made me cry, they made me laugh, they made my jaw drop open. Multiple times.

The special effects and costumes and set design remain some of the most impressive ever on TV, and superior to many movies. That they were able to make this much magic 22 hours a year (7 years ago) blows my mind. And season 4, of course is the best ever for visuals and effects. They all have the basic visual language down cold by now, so they are able to polish and enrich existing props (notice how much more...

The last stand (well, almost)
The fourth, and ultimately final, season of Farscape saw astronaut John Crichton (Ben Browder) and Aeryn (Claudia Black) end up together as the seeds of what will be an uneasy alliance between Crichton and Scorpius (Wayne Pygram) are planted when Scorpius saves Aeryn's life. War begins to brew as the reptillian-esque Scarrans now seek the wormhole technology Crichton knows to rule the universe, no matter the cost. The series finale, appropriately entitled "Bad Timing", ends on a heck of a cliffhanger and both Crichton and Aeryn are blasted to bits, leading way to the recent, and outstanding, mini-series Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars. While the fourth season of Farscape wasn't the best the series had to offer, it was still exceptional sci-fi TV that continued to soar in new and innovative directions. In the end however, despite suffering the untimely fate of cancellation, Farscape did what shows like Babylon 5 and the various Star Trek series' couldn't do: continue to be original,...

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