Thursday, October 10, 2013

Posture, Get It Straight! DVD

Excellent program that works
I actually bought the original DVD of Janice Novak's posture program two years ago, which I loved (and did a review of here on Amazon). I noticed, however, that I wasn't doing the program as regularly as I should be since the main DVD is almost 90 minutes long. I would try to do the exercises on my own, but I like having something to follow along to, and I got lazy about fast-forwarding through all the explanations. I did a search the other day to see if any new posture DVD's had come out, and was excited to see that Novak had released an exercise-only disk.

When I looked at Novak's website, it seemed as if Disk 1 in this two-disk pack was different from the original DVD (which is why I ordered this two-disk set), but they are the same. *So please note that if you already have the original DVD, then you do not need this two-pack set, but should instead buy the exercise-only DVD (disk 2) that is sold separately.*

That being said, this program WORKS! I...

Extremely pleased with this brilliant program!
I went from a vulture-headed, slouching posture, which I thought was impossible to change, to someone who now gets compliments on my posture. This is an ingenous program that was really easy to implement. The 'Standing Alignment' section contains invaluable information that had me standing straighter immediately. The exercises to correct specific posture problems are easy to do and helped me get remarkable results. This program really delivers. There is no denying - I have really good posture now. Many people have noticed and commented. I love the 'exercise-only' disc. I can pop it in, skip to any section I want and exercise along with. There is also a free resistance band included for added value. I would recommend this two-disc set to anyone who wants to improve their posture because it really works.

From "Ouch" to "Ahhh"...
When I first saw the package for Janice Novak's Posture Get It Straight 2-set DVD, I thought if even one of the nine techniques improves my posture, I would be the winner.

I was the poster child for the effects of bad posture from being slumped over my computer: headaches and neck problems, and those ever-present aches in my back and shoulders. Until I looked at this posture issue as affecting my breathing, circulation and digestion, I didn't realize that is what was causing my stomach problems. I was a mess. Now with those short 10-15 minute exercises, I am feeling-and looking much better. I DO look taller, thinner and younger, and I did it myself.

I like that I am in control of my health and my time as I can do these exercises quickly and when time permits, in my own home. I keep the resistance band by my computer and several times a day I do some stretches. Even that simple effort has made me feel so much better.

As I watch young people playing...

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