Sunday, October 6, 2013

Law & Order: The Ninth Year

Pitiful packaging. Forced to wait years for this?

I'm none too happy that they released the whole set after having released them in a trickle. But I got over it. Ultimately I know which L&O episodes I like - it's really based on the characters. Lenny Briscoe (Of course), Jack McCoy (of course), Ed Green, Ray Curtis, Abbie Carmichael. That's it, for the most part. So I picked up Season 6-8 as the precursor to the "Abbie Carmichael Era". Then it was a LONNNNNNNG wait until season 9. Well I got it...and while I love the season, I'm disappointed in the packaging.

If you've owned any of the previous you already know what to expect. A hard box to keep the discs in. Three separate thin cases with the episodes. Custom artwork on the front. Synopsis of every episode within. NONE of that is found here. Instead we get a single ghetto plastic DVD case with some flimsy tray-stack-flip inside. No inserts, nothing. Just a bunch of discs. Hell, you can't even really tell it's the 9th season, the front cover...

No episode list!
I just recieved the ninth year DVD, opened it to peruse the episode list to pick out my favorite and lo and behold, there isn't one! What? At first, I thought maybe it was a mistake until I read another review saying the same thing! Am I supposed to just know the order? How chinzy is this? I love L & O, but this really is bad. That's why the low star rating. The picture on the front is correct, however. C'mon, Universal, you can do better than this!!!! Probably no extras, either, but I don't know because there isn't any listing!

Episode list & summary missing- How Cheap Is That!
After I received the long awaited 9th DVD last week I was quite disappointed to discover that there was no episode summary included in each disk as was the case with seasons 1-8 nor was there any printed list and summary included with the DVDs. How cheap is that ?! The manufacturer could have easily taken a little time and little cost to include list of episodes and a brief summary with the set. I was able to locate a Season 9 list almost immediately on line at Wikipedia. I hope that when Season 10 and beyond are individually released that this "oversight" does not occur again...but I am not going to hold my breath.

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