Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Road to Avonlea: The Complete Fifth Season

Charming children and adults get into fun predicaments.

If you liked "Anne of Green Gables" or "Little House on the Prairie"; then you should like this. Seasons 1-6 are excellent.

The realistic, likeable, characters are people that I would like to know. Avonlea is a place, I would like to visit. I like the beautiful, country-side, the farms, the horses, and the period style of dress, with the women in their pretty dresses, the period sets and homes, the humor, the warmth, the inviting activities, and the lively pace. Avonlea carries you to a nicer place.

Mr. Sullivan spared no expense to create fun and interesting escapades.

I especially liked the episode where Aunt Hetty, Jasper, and Aunt Olivia purchase the Lobster Canning Factory; because Jasper and Olivia are such charming characters in figuring out how to improve the factory.

This series has been my best money value; dividing the 13-episodes by the cost: $51

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